Thursday, January 22, 2009

Here we are mid winter and I can't get down my driveway, or up.  One car is stuck at the top the other at the bottom.  It's sorta looking like I may have to do the shovel thing down the driveway. I've been stuck in the house for 3 days and I'm sorta getting cabin fever.  Oh I know I have lots I could be doing here, cleaning, laundry, etc.  I could even get my books out and do some studying for a big exam I'm writing in a couple of weeks.  Oh yeah, I know procrastination is definately my favourite passtime right now.  So I read a great novel instead, and focus on the bringing in a new president. Well now that is finished, I really need to study.

So I come on here and read some new blogs about my grandchildren.  They are cute aren't they?  I search on line for the things I'd like to knit, then I search on line for music I'd like to play on the dulcimer.  I search the knitting and music blogs.  Reply to a few posts.  I head on over to facebook and catch up on some gossip, reply to a few posts.  Moving right on to my email now.  Not much happening there.  Move over to the Hospital email.  Lots happening, but I'm off for 11 days right now, so they aren't going to get too much of my attention either.  

Ok, now I'm done with the computer stuff.  No more excuses!  Get to work Ellen and open those textbooks! 
Andrea would you write some more blogs so have an excuse to catch up with the boys happenings and stay away from the textbooks?

1 comment:

  1. Well I think I may password block you from my blog just so you have to study!
